EasyVVUQ – v1.2
Documentation: https://easyvvuq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Code: https://github.com/UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ/releases/tag/v1.2
New features:
- New Simplex Stochastic Collocation sampler for irregular outputs, e.g. with discontinuities or high gradients in the stochastic input space. Works for scalar QoI only thus far.
- Grid-Search sampler, (e.g. for neural-network hyper parameter tuning).
- HDF5 decoder to allow for reading HDF5 output files, useful when dealing with outputs of different size.
- SSC tutorial: https://github.com/UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ/blob/dev/tutorials/simplex_stochastic_collocation_tutorial.ipynb
- Hyperparameter tuning tutorial, local sampling: https://github.com/UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ/blob/dev/tutorials/hyperparameter_tuning_tutorial.ipyn
- Hyperparameter tuning tutorial, remote sampling with FabSim3: https://github.com/UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ/blob/dev/tutorials/hyperparameter_tuning_tutorial_with_fabsim.ipynb
Usability updates:
- Make it more obvious how to import a pandas dataframe containing cases to be considered
- Make it more obvious how to massage the results from the runs before performing the PCE/SC/MC analysis
FabSim3 – v3.71
Documentation: https://fabsim3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Code and tutorials: https://github.com/djgroen/FabSim3/releases/tag/v3.71
New features:
- New VVP tutorials in the readthedocs site.
- More HPC access modes for automated access.
- Extended multiplexing documentation.
- Improved support and documentation for QCG-Pilotjob installation on remote machines.
- Add support for continuing replicated simulation runs by using the replica_start_number argument in run_ensemble.
- Plugin developments
○ Initial version of FabParticleDA.
○ Initial version of FabDynamics
○ FabFlee: added built-in visualization tools, and updated to support Flee 3.0
QCG-PilotJob – v0.14.0
Documentation: https://qcg-pilotjob.readthedocs.io
Code: https://github.com/psnc-qcg/QCG-PilotJob/releases/tag/v0.14.0
New features:
- Support for QCG-PJ on the ARCHER2 supercomputer.
- High level interface with EasyVVUQ for novice users.
- Improved handling of custom arguments for LocalManager in QCGPJExecutor
- Fixed dependencies of zmq package
- Improved script element handling of in various parallel modes
- Changed the method of gathering available CPU identifiers
- A range of minor improvements
- Improved handling of custom arguments for LocalManager in QCGPJExecutor
- Fixed dependencies of zmq package
- Improved script element handling of in various parallel modes
- Fixed bug undefined variable
- Typo in service arguments
Other Improvements
- Changed the method of gathering available CPU identifiers
MUSCLE3 – v0.6.0
Documentation: https://muscle3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Code: https://github.com/multiscale/muscle3/releases/
- Connecting multiple conduits to outgoing ports
- Initial checkpointing support (Python only preview)
- Support for Intel compilers & clang.
- TCP latency improvements
- Small improvements to error messages and documentationEasySurrogate
- Added Dropout regularization. Tutorial and documentation on this feature is forthcoming
MOGP – v0.72
Documentation: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/mogp-emulator/tree/main/mogp_emulator/demos
Code: https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/mogp-emulator/releases/tag/v0.7.2
- Bugfix release to fix a few outstanding issues. Fixes issues #241 and #242. Changes in this release:
- Update to Dimension Reduction to improve memory usage with some additional tests
- Update to documentation to reflect new dependency requirements
- Improvements to GPU build script in setup.py to remove outdated shared object library files.