For those interested in making their simulations more robust and their results more credible, we are organising a Hackathon on Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for HPC simulations on the 24th of June 2022. The Hackathon will focus on the SEAVEA toolkit (SEAVEAtk), which facilitates VVUQ for applications irrespective of their source domain.

The Hackathon will allow you to interact with our SEAVEAtk experts, who will help you apply your choice of SEAVEAtk tools on your own codes and applications. And if you already are a SEAVEAtk user, then we will have support on hand to help you add more rigorous VVUQ to your application. The toolkit provides a variety range of tools to:

  • create VVUQ procedures (EasyVVUQ),
  • to facilitate the creation of surrogate models for multiscale simulations (EasySurrogate)
  • to automate the complex workflows emerging from these procedures (FabSim3),
  • to enable the efficient execution of large numbers of jobs on computational resources (QCG Pilot Job Manager),
  • to provide convenient means to use HPC facilities for users (QCG-Now) and user-developers (FabSim3 and QCG-Client),
  • and to make creating coupled multiscale simulations easy, and to then enable efficient Uncertainty Quantification of such models using advanced semi intrusive algorithms (MUSCLE3)
  • MOGP

The Hackathon will take place in-person on the 24th of June 2022 at Brunel University London, the day after the ICCS conference from 9AM until 5PM. However, there will be an opportunity to participate remotely for those who wish to do so.

For more information, contact Nicholas Laver (nicholas.laver.13@ucl.ac.uk) or Diana Suleimenova (diana.suleimenova@brunel.ac.uk).

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